Rebozo, Reboozo

So… I’m sipping a tiny glass of champagne in celebration of completing the [sometimes] tedious task of becoming a Certified Professional Midwife. And of course, in celebration, I’m sipping said champagne while browsing my mile-long list of bookmarked blogs, websites and YouTube videos that I have saved for “fun” reading after my academic requirements are completed. And complete they are. 🙂

Hey. It took me 20 years, almost to the day, from when I first embarked on the road to higher learning (aka: pursuing a degree). So a bit o’ booz seems to be in order. 🙂

And now for the RebOZO part of this post:

I met Lisa Barrett at the Trust Birth Conference last year in LA. She was fabulous. I remember her nearly running from the room while a (well-loved and much respected) pediatrician said that there was no evidence of harm regarding vaccinations. We locked arms in the hallway, because she voiced her opinions nearly alone, and I remember feeling like, “Hey. That’s not right. I agree with her. I should’ve said something.” Thing was, and is, she’s so darn SMART and QUICK with her wits that I sat there saying to myself, “Yeah! That’s right! What she said!”. In an effort to keep myself from looking like her cheerleader I zipped it. But this is MY blog and I don’t mind being her cheerleader one bit. Not really. She is fantastic. 🙂

Not only does she really believe birth belongs in the hands of the woman ACTUALLY GIVING BIRTH, but she also believes twins, breech, etc. etc. are all variations of NORMAL. Woohoo and pass the mustard! I told you she was fabulous didn’t I?

Recently, she put up on her blog a video on how to use the Rebozo. Or rather, a video of HER using it with a helper and a wonderfully generous pregnant lady as her guinea pig (her words not mine). Check it out: REBOZO VIDEO

There is so much wisdom to be learned from other cultures regarding birth, health, child rearing… you name it. That is IF… (and that’s a BIG IF) we open up ourselves to glean what we can from around the world. take champagne for instance. CLEARLY not an American beverage. Hehehehe….

4 thoughts on “Rebozo, Reboozo

  1. Ahhhh…my shame when said Dr started that! We love him, BUT (BIG but) there was a REASON the Trust Birth Conference had somebody else teaching the vac topic. And Lisa will be a speaker at the Trust Birth Conference in TN next year!

  2. I don’t understand why midwives seem so dead against vaccines and yet talk about ‘evidence based’ care. I’ve done a LOT of research on vaccines to see what the fuss is all about, and it looks to me that the main base people against vaccines quote from are CORRELATIONAL studies only-which we all know are not good enough. Also Canada followed 2 cohorts of kids for several years, one with vaccines, one without vaccines, and there were NO differences in their autism rates.

    How can you say you want evidence based maternity care while also saying vaccines are bad with no data? That’s just like doctors saying home births are bad with no data.

    • Well, the short answer is that it is enough evidence for me t live with MY child who was damaged by a vaccine. And what, do tell, do you think the government awards thousands of dollars each year for through the “Vaccine Injury Fund”? Go ahead and call it “antedotal” evidence if you wish, but just to be clear I was anti-routine vaccinations loooooong before I became a midwife.

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